
Kanso collars
Kanso collars

kanso collars

Old typewriters, stacked neatly on suitcases, a bright orange chair in front of the floor to ceiling windows, a large painting by Algerian painter Driss Ouadahi takes over another wall - the importance of details is evident where Nadine works and how she works. Glass display boxes line the wall showing the intricate yet simple pieces of her jewellery. Old records are designed to form Arabic letters on the wall, her photography work is varied, from shots of Beirut on the shore, to juxtaposed images of graffiti and people at parties, to intimate black and white images of ambiguous shapes. Walking into her office in D3, Nadine's visual voice is everywhere. They adorn your hands and remind us that the letter, the word, has more than the meaning that you hear, but one that you see and feel. From the elegant and recognisable ancient lines, that in their shape alone tell a story, Arabic calligraphy is made in gold and silver. Known mostly for her photography and jewellery brand Bil Arabi she is a multi-disciplinary artist who is selling more than rings, earrings, bracelets and pendants.

kanso collars

Nadine Kanso is one person you can't forget after you meet her.

Kanso collars